Beat the Heat: Enjoy the Outdoors after the Sun Sets

The summer solstice is just around the corner, and the greater Cincinnati area is facing down some sizzling daytime temperatures. But our nights should be a little less sultry. With landscape lighting, you can enjoy your outdoor spaces when it’s finally cool enough to leave the air conditioning.

Landscape Lighting Example for Summer Fun

Here’s a tour of one LUX Landscape Lighting customer who chose the full package for outdoor summer fun. The centerpiece of this backyard is the lovely pool and patio area.

Landscape Lighting Example for Summer Fun

Hardscape lighting gently illuminates seating areas and steps. Uplighting on shrubs, trees and pillars lights vertical space to open the area up and make it feel airy. Moving towards the house, here’s the garden area our customer enjoys.

Landscape Lighting Example for Summer Fun

We installed moonlighting up above to light up the stone path and rock garden. We love the gently winding design of this garden, which gives such a natural effect. Here you can see how it continues around the home:

Landscape Lighting Example for Summer Fun

Uplighting around the home shows off the brick texture and defines the edges of the house. In landscape lighting, you don’t want to leave the eye guessing what’s out there in the dark. Also, there’s another winding garden pathway to enjoy:

Landscape Lighting Example for Summer Fun

More moonlighting helps the customer navigate the stepping stone walkway that leads to the side of the home. Moonlighting gives a natural-feeling light (because we’re used to having our light source come from above us, in the sky). This landscape lighting technique matches the natural, organic design of the garden.

Color-Changing LED Landscape Lighting Examples

Color-changing LED landscape lighting around the pool or patio is really fun and adds excitement. Your summer parties will really pop with themed lighting, like this red, white and blue for 4th of July.

Landscape Lighting Example

Waterfalls and other water features are another great application for color-changing LEDs. Here’s a rock wall lit up with blue light. When the water turns on, it will shimmer.

Landscape Lighting Example

Gazebo Landscape Lighting Example

This customer wanted to enjoy their gazebo around-the-clock. Not only did we help make the gazebo attractive and usable, but we illuminated their ornamental trees. When you’re sitting outside in the dark, you need something to look at and enjoy.

Gazebo Landscape Lighting Example

This gazebo landscape lighting example uses festive bistro lights, which are fun and not too bright. Seating areas should never blind you! Here’s a close-up of the customer’s gorgeous tree.

Gazebo Landscape Lighting Example

The uplighting technique gave the dramatic look the customer was seeking. Shadows on the house shift with breezes and make a very interesting focal point.

More Landscape Lighting Examples

Here’s another ornamental tree that’s given its proper attention after sunset. It’s a similar approach to the one above.

Gazebo Landscape Lighting Example

At LUX Landscape Lighting, we do love trees! We can’t help but share one more landscape lighting example, this time of three trees set out in the lawn, giving the homeowner a vista (or ability to look further than the dark would normally allow).

More Landscape Lighting Examples

Finally, let’s share a landscape lighting example on a smaller scale. This garden statue makes for interesting contrast and shadows when lit up.

More Landscape Lighting Examples

Let LUX Landscape Lighting help you enjoy your outdoor spaces again, even in the depths of summer. For more ideas, check out our video, “It’s Time to Get Outdoors!” When you’re ready to share your ideas with us and get a free consultation, contact us.