Houston, We Have a Problem! 6 Landscape Lighting Control Centers that Are Out of Control

An outdoor lighting transformer is the central point of control for your landscape lighting system. The “transformation” happening is conversion of your house’s 120-volt electrical service to low voltage current suitable for LED landscape lighting systems. In many systems, the outdoor lighting transformer is the physical location where you can schedule lighting timers and control zones (although, with smart landscape lighting, you control your system from an app. Check out this video on options available with LUXOR).

At LUX Landscape Lighting, we service and repair all landscape lighting installations in the Cincinnati area. So, we’ve been called out to help with some truly epic fails involving outdoor lighting transformers. And we have the pictures to prove it.

First, check out this landscape lighting installer’s solution to extra wire. Instead of cutting it to length, they just piled it up in the corner. Also, that outdoor lighting transformer is just propped up instead of being correctly anchored to the wall.

Epic Fails: Outdoor Lighting Transformer

Here’s another nest of cords! And you can see the board is already rotting near the ground. Before long, the whole set-up will topple over.

Epic Fails: Outdoor Lighting Transformer

In a wiring situation, you don’t want to play “Guess Who?” These wires are all twisted and buried haphazardly.

Epic Fails: Outdoor Lighting Transformer

A creative (if lazy) landscape lighting installer simply hid their mess behind landscape pavers. Is this the “See no evil” approach? Sorry, we see it!

Epic Fails: Outdoor Lighting Transformer

It’s an outdoor lighting transformer octopus! Except, I wouldn’t want to let water anywhere near this setup. At the very least, you’d get a bad short. And, while cosmetic issues are the least of our worries here, that crooked black box is really irritating.

Epic Fails: Outdoor Lighting Transformer

Did I say crooked? This installation is like looking at a fun house mirror or M.C. Escher painting. It almost distracts from the wire connected by electrical tape near the ground. Outdoors, that technique will last until the first rain. Then, it’s lights out (literally).

Epic Fails: Outdoor Lighting Transformer

Interested in more landscape lighting fails? Check out our other two installments:

Outdoor Lighting Transformers: How to Do it Right

After seeing so many epic fails, it can be hard to imagine what the proper installation of an outdoor lighting transformer looks like. Here are a couple pictures from LUX Landscape Lighting jobs.

Outdoor Lighting Transformers: How to Do it Right

This outdoor lighting transformer is installed in a tight spot, but it’s still safe and neat.

Outdoor Lighting Transformers: How to Do it Right

And if you’re wondering what these look like on the inside, here’s an interior shot. The wiring should be tangle-free and clearly marked.

Outdoor Lighting Transformers: How to Do it Right

Does your landscape lighting need repair? We service any outdoor lighting installation. Contact us to talk about your issues and get a quick quote. And check out our Landscape Lighting Videos to get inspired!