Color-Changing Commercial Landscape Lighting

Make Your Business Stand Out in Every Season

With Door Dash delivery and online shopping so popular, it can be hard to get potential customers to look up from their phones and enter your business. Over time, your store front blends into the background, and passers-by no longer notice it. But, LUX Landscape Lighting has an eye-catching solution: color-changing commercial landscape lighting.

If your business looks different every season, customers will start noticing your business more. What if it’s 4th of July weekend, and your store front is lit up with red, white and blue? Or, for Halloween, purple and orange? And, hey, maybe the Bengals will start winning some playoff games this season, so you can go orange and white. With color-changing commercial landscape lighting, it’s easy to change your property’s look.

Boring Lights Don’t Attract Customers

Conventional mercury vapor or high pressure sodium lights are uninspiring: from harsh to unnatural. These are positively unwelcoming. Instead of spending resources to maintain these fixtures, make that budget work for your business results. Better lighting is just as effective as other kinds of promotion. You wouldn’t pay for boring advertising, right?

What Kinds of Businesses Benefit from Color-Changing Commercial Landscape Lighting?

Any business that has evening hours and wants to attract customers onto the premises is a great candidate for color-changing commercial landscape lighting. Like so:

  • Restaurants
  • Pubs
  • Bars
  • Clubs
  • Car dealerships
  • Convenience stores

Color-Changing Commercial Landscape Lighting Inspiration

Need some ideas for how color-changing commercial landscape lighting could add appeal to your business? You’ll want to watch our video: “Christmas in July with Color-Changing LED Landscape Lighting.”

And check out these inspiration photos from Cincinnati and broader Ohio. First up, see the atmospheric drama that colorful lights can add to even a simple bottle.

Color-Changing Commercial Landscape Lighting

Next, we have neon-look without the expense. And these color-changing lights are particularly classy, with the yellow highlighting the building’s fine architecture.

Color-Changing Commercial Landscape Lighting

For a more in-your-face presentation, try multicolored lights, especially with the multiplying effect of reflected water. Although this bridge spans an entire river, your business could have a similar effect with a fountain or retention pond.

Color-Changing Commercial Landscape Lighting

The Esquire Theatre is a local landmark, and it uses colors and patterns to beautiful effect. An intricate paint job is expensive to paint and maintain, but color-changing commercial landscape lighting could give the same retro vibe.

Color-Changing Commercial Landscape Lighting

This color-changing chandelier is a showpiece at this entrance. No customer will ever have trouble finding the front door. It’s both fun and elegant.

Color-Changing Commercial Landscape Lighting

Adding color-changing commercial landscape lighting to the apex of your building makes it interesting from miles away. Here’s a classic clocktower example.

Color-Changing Commercial Landscape Lighting

If you have one or more trees out front, wrapping them in color-changing lights makes them a focal point at night. It’s like adding a new sign to your business– one that says, “We’re having a good time out here!”

Color-Changing Commercial Landscape Lighting

LED Landscape Lighting is Efficient and Safe

Functionally, LED landscape lighting is a good choice for commercial applications. It’s low-voltage, so you get a good amount of light for the electricity used, and the wiring/fixtures are safe for customers, children and animals to encounter. The fixtures don’t emit much heat (but enough to melt snow that lands on the lens).

For more ideas, check out our Commercial Landscape Lighting Resources. And to talk to our experts about advice for your business, contact us.